


Could aquaponics be a solution for sustainability for our international initiatives?

What is Aquaponics?

 Aquaculture: Which grows fish and other aquatic animals in a contained environment, and Hydroponics which is growing plants without soil. These two processes when combined as one process are called Aquaponics. In which plants are fed the aquatic animals’ discharge or waste, and the fish eat the algae, and or fish feed.

Benefits Of Growing Food This Way?

  • Aquaponics uses less water than any other gardening—up to one-tenth of the amount used in traditional soil-based gardening.
  • Aquaponics requires less time than regular fishkeeping because plants do some of the cleaning work for you.
  • Growing with aquaponics is completely organic. You simply can’t use any harsh chemicals, because they will be fatal for the fish.
  • Aquaponics grow beds are usually waist high, reducing the strain on your back while you tend to your plants.
  • The amount of time needed to grow with aquaponics versus other forms of food gardening is much less.
    Food can be grown indoors or outdoors.

         Systems can be adapted for your individual needs.

Aquaponic Concrete Bed
New Construction of Aquaponic Concrete Bed

According to “”

Upon Dr. Pfeiffer’s return to the United States, Dr. Pfeiffer “determined that partnerships—with the communities served and among nonprofits, businesses, and governments—were the key to creating sustainable pathways for disadvantaged children and families to achieve well-being and self-reliance”.

During the research we conducted at G.O.A.L, we found that the initiative that INMED has created is one that cannot be ignored. INMED  “is a leader in aggregating pioneering solutions for breaking complex cycles of poverty—from its decade-long Millennium Conference series to its development of award-winning lay home visitation programs to prevent child abuse to its ground-breaking work in aquaponics and adaptive agriculture to its scaling of new technologies to give children a healthy start in life”.

“Over the years, Dr. Pfeiffer’s vision for INMED Partnerships for Children has transformed the lives of millions of children and their families in more than 100 countries. Her determination to prevent the loss of children at any point along their path to adulthood—whether through poverty, lack of education or opportunity—continues to guide INMED’s work today and inspires the way forward”.